This article presents just one method of losing weight. It’s worked very, very well for me. It doesn’t require an extreme diet, it doesn’t require much money (you’ll save money,…
Tag: old
How to nap
I am the kind of person who takes 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep, most nights. Falling asleep is an ordeal for me (unless I’m completely exhausted). Don’t…
No best practices
I worked in Accenture for 4 years. For almost 2 of those years, my role was to be the QPI lead on my project. That stands for “Quality Process Improvement”…
iPad: an Apple for Mom
To much of the geek-sphere, the iPad is somewhat of a disappointment. It’s underwhelming – there’s nothing all that surprising in there, no “oh, and one more thing” to throw…
What problems does Google Wave solve?
[ Partial Portuguese translation ] There are countless pundits and other tech gurus describing Google Wave as a disappointment, lately. Most of that seems to come from the fact that…
A tale of two users
Eric von Hippel’s concept of early adopters versus lead users is well established. How does it work in practice, though? And why is it so hard to cross that famous…
How to make your application viral
Image courtesy of flushirts Everyone wants their application to “spread virally”. And why shouldn’t they? Viral growth resolves at least part of the expensive and complicated headache of actually marketing…
Dealing with impossible crises
In large corporations, almost everything new is impossible. Try to do anything new, and typically you are met with dozens of reasons why it can’t be done. As a consultant…
How to get a merchant account
Update: This article was written in 2009. Back then, the advice below made sense, since getting a merchant account was necessary to be able to take payments online. Today, this is…
Starting up with a friend
[ Russian translation ] It seems like a fool-proof plan: start up with a close friend. You’ll get along (obviously), and you’ll get to share the exciting, fantastic, scary experience…